Friday 20 September 2013

Bringing Udder Brilliance to Life

We thought we would just do this with and video of our teamwork in action.

 Cutting out cows
 Rebekah and Chloe
 Team work
 Our futuristic hat for Udder Brilliance
 Discussing the base
 Chloe working on our futuristic rotary robotic dairy for her hat
 Deborah geting the cow shape right
 Marni and Amy hard at work
 Jacob and Kirsty draw cows for the hat
 our custom built base to grow our pasture in
 we started with peat moss
 adding water crystals to prevent it drying out too much while on display
 organic matter and worms from our compost heap is added
 adding perlite to the soil mixture to keep it as ligh as possible
 The final mixture - nice and light but full of goodness
 A novel use for recycled milk containers
 planting out the rye grass
Kangaroo Valley Rye Grass will be the main species in our pasture base

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